Happy business-iversary to me!

Today is my one-year business-iversary! It’s truly crazy. I do not understand how I am suddenly here. But here I am!

I had been keeping notes on my first year to share tips or whatever, but I realized they basically all boil down to people. I’m only still paying my rent this way because of all the people I know! Everyone was so excited for me and showed up for me and hired me to do things and referred me to their friends and colleagues. Even people that I hadn’t talked to for years and years! And I found an excellent group of other business owners through Freelance, and Business, and Stuff: The Video Course (a course and related Slack that I literally cannot recommend enough) who have helped me immensely. Thank you thank you, friends and family and clients and peers and so on and so forth!

At the beginning when people would ask me how it was going, I would say “It’s going well, but even if it wasn’t I would have to figure it out because I already can never go back to doing anything else.” And that’s still true.

One actual concrete tip though: the order is form your LLC, then you can get your EIN (which is free from the government — don’t pay anyone for it), and then you can open a business bank account. Took me so long to figure out that.

K love you bye!


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